Friday, November 7, 2008

4 Generations

This photo was taken during my recent trip to Boston for my sister's wedding.  It was the first time to have 4 generations of women from my mum's side of the family in one photo... not to mention the first time in 8 yrs that I had seen my Granny!!  

4 generations

Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Autumn is here

Just in time for autumn we've discovered that Annabella has a new favorite snack. She loves apples and whenever Los is eatting one, she has to share!

apple 1

apple 2

apple 3

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Photos are back!

So we've finally gotten settled in OH and I've actually picked up my camera again. Here are just a few images I've gotten over the last few days.

Annabella 2 no bottle

grass 1

dandelion 3

And in other news, I plan on completely revamping this blog over the next few weeks. I've decided to focus on getting the business side of my photography off the ground, so I need to make sure this reflects what I want it to. I will most likely branch off a personal blog for photos of Anna and Lemon (what we call baby #2) but once I figure that out, I'll let you know!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fallen off the Face of the Earth...

Ok, maybe not quite but I've been busy! Los & I are in the midst - literally - of our move to OH. I am at the hotel enjoying a little peace & quiet while I wait for los to arrive. Because we decided (and by we, I mean he) to move ourselves, Los is driving the moving van and I got to drive the car. So Anna & I arrived at our stopping point a few hours ago after a very easy, albeit long, drive. Luckily because we did a very long drive today, tomorrow will be much easier and shorter!

As much as we are going to miss all the great friends we met in TX, we are not sad to be leaving the 100+ degree heat or the spiders or crickets! We're looking forward to being in OH and a change of scenary... hopefully we'll be settled in quickly and I'll be back to posting photos (not to mention taking them!) on a regular basis. OH here we come!! :)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

From the Garden

Unfortunatly it's not my garden, but maybe someday we will actually have one!!


lily bw

Friday, June 20, 2008


Travelling does a number on blogging. Being away from my computer and my ability to upload photos definitely limits what I can post these days. Hopefully once I meet back up with Los this weekend, I'll be able to post some of the photos I've taken this week while staying with Mum.

Unfortunately though, due to my desire to sleep, I missed out on an opportunity to get some amazing photos last night. Around 11pm fire sirens starting going off and suggested that something was happening nearby. As it turns out, a church at the end of my Mum's street had gone up in flames and firefighters worked through the night to control and eventually put out the fire. The fire completely destroyed the school attached to the church but left most of the sanctuary untouched (with the exception of some water and smoke damage). We came across a blog of a local photographer, Staci Landis, how captured some great images from the ordeal. Check them out if you get a chance!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

2 from the Archives

I was just going through my photos and I came across both of these photos. The tree photo was taken a few months ago, and the industrial building was taken when we were in boston a few weeks ago.

tree silhouette wm

boston sand wm

After editting these photos, I submitted them for the last assignment of my photo class. Now I just need to decide if I'm going to sign up for another class!

Monday, June 2, 2008

A Few of Bella

Taken last week when the weather was still nice (aka not 100 with high humidity and a breeze that feels like it's trying to slowly cook you...)

chair 1

chair 2

I'm back

It's been a while since I've posted anything but last night while going through some old photos, I came across this one of my Mum's dog Sweet Pea:

sweet pea

She is such a gentle dog and if there's any flaw in her personality it's that she needs attention ALL the time!

Monday, May 19, 2008


Little things in daily life have an amazing way of transporting me to another time or place that I have stored away in my memories. I spent the weekend in Boston visiting my sister and her fiance and had a chance to photograph a beautiful Dogwood tree in their garden. Dogwoods always take me back to the house that I grew up in. There was a large dogwood outside the front door that was full of beautiful blooms all spring. This tree isn't quite there yet, but it still had some beautiful flowers.

dogwood 2

dogwood 1

dogwood 3

And one more photo from the weekend.... Make a wish!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Series of Flowers

I've been taking the opportunity to capture some of the Texas wild flowers this spring. Here are a few I've photographed over the last few days.

flower w ladybug wm

Sun drenched wild flowers

wild flower 3

Altus Air Show

So I still haven't gotten around to editting most of the photos from the Air Show last weekend, however since I know my Mum & Granny are going to be looking here later today, I thought I would quickly throw up a couple of photos of us from the day.

family 2

And proof that I do occasionally wind up in front of the camera instead of behind it...
family 1

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Number 3

I just took the 3rd photo for my class.

pattern 3

What do you think?


My latest assignment from my photography class is to capture patterns. Here are 2 of the images I've come up with so far.



I still need to come up with 1 more.

I'm also hoping to get around to editting some photos from the Altus Air Show we went to this weekend. Maybe bella will cooperate and I'll be able to get that done today!

California girl

We finally found a food that Annabella likes! So far we've tried bananas, sweet potatoes, and green beans and have had no luck with any. At least with green beans she sort of tolerated for it a few days, until she figured out that she could spit it back out at me with what seems like supersonic force! So yesterday we tried avocado and she actually likes it! Unfortunatly for us, we're not in CA where avocados are more readily available (read: cheaper!). But at least we're no longer afraid that she'll never eat solids!

avocado 2

avocado 1

Friday, May 2, 2008

Inside wants Out

With the arrival of nice weather, so does Tiggy's presence in the window.
Inside wants Out

A different look

Since I was awake early this morning (and Los was occupying Anna) I decided to get some photos of the fence I showed a few days ago but with the sun rising behind it. Same subject, different look...
fence at sunrise

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Sad Day

I think today was just meant to be a sad day all around.

Last week, my Granddad died at the good age of 91. He had a very good life and has many people who love him, but it's still sad to lose someone who was so cherished.
This photo was taken by my sister when she was in England for Granddad's 90th birthday celebration. The funeral for him is today, but as it's in England unfortunatly I was unable to go. Even without being over there though, my thoughts are filled with memories of Granddad today.

And to add to that, this morning I woke up to the news that a training plane crashed on base today. Unfortunatly both the instructor and student in the plane died. The whole base has been shaken by this news. People seem to be holding their breath waiting for the names to be released so we can all figure out if we know the families and what we can do to help. It's times like these that you realize what a small, tight knit community the base is.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Photoshop plays

I've been working on learning Photoshop and figuring out a good work flow for postprocessing and these 2 images were my subjects for the day. I really like the feel I got with the building, not sure about the fence photo though. I think perhaps the fence one just isn't a strong enough photo on its own and Photoshop isn't going to make it great.



Monday, April 28, 2008

A few random ones

Just a few photos I've taken over the past few days.

grass 2a


And of course one of my sweet Annabella just to brighten your day!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lake Wichita

We went for a walk today at Lake Wichita. Sounds like it should be nice but really there isn't much there! They have a walking path surrounding the lake that would make for an enjoyable stroll on most days but with the wind gusts we had today we were lucky to stay on the path. I did however get a few photos out of the day.

graphic 2

graphic 1

Art Show

Saturday was the opening of the Gilrose Studios Juried Art Show in which my piece "Plains of New Mexico" was displayed.

art show

Turns out the photo didn't win a prize, but it was still a cool experience to have artwork on display. Plus it was one of only 2 photos in the entire show!

Friday, April 25, 2008

After the Storms

One nice thing to all the severe weather we have to deal with here in TX is the chance to see a beautiful sunset once it's all over.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Road Trip

Two weeks ago we decided to take a road trip and headed up to the "mountains." I have that in quotations because to people who live on the east coast or out near the Rockies these are more like hills. Either way, it made for a nice day up in OK and I got a few good photos out of it.

On the drive up the mountain -
Wichita Mtns 1

Carlos had to help with this photo. We were driving out of the Nature Reserve and saw a herd of Longhorns out in the field. There already were a handful of people stopped to take photos, so we pulled over so I could do the same! Well as I was trying to get photos of the herd crossing the street in front of the vehicle, Los mentioned that the largest Longhorn who was off on his own was then crossing the street behind me. So as I photographed that Longhorn, Los played lookout to make sure these animals didn't turn our way as I was probably closer than I should have been in the first place!
wichita mts 2

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Los, Anna & I went to the park this evening so that I could take some photos for my class. As always seems to be the case, my favorite photos of the evening were taken just for fun and not for my class assignment!

Run 2



I think with these 2 in the house, I'm in trouble!! :)